Thursday, August 7, 2008

work AND play in India

The view from my "desk"

I've been struggling quite a bit with the amount of transcription work I have and how I feel like that sort of pulls me away from being able to spend time with Ryan (I miss things like swimming, yuck) - balancing that with the need to make some extra money so I can actually afford to be here in India with her.

Today I found a pleasant balance when we went to Lodhi Gardens an hour before sunset so that Erin could take some more photos. The Lodhi Gardens are located strangely in the middle of smelly Delhi, with hundreds of species of trees and birds, and littered with Mughal ruins. They are gorgeous.

This afternoon, I brought my computer with me to the gardens and while Ryan, Erin, Kanako, Michael and his girlfriend Shaney (sp?) walked around the park, I plopped down on a bench near a ruin and worked diligently on my two-hour transcription. It was lovely.

After about an hour or so, Erin came and got me, and the lovely Indian man sitting on the bench next to me told her that he had been meditating next to me while I was working, and he could tell that I had really great energy. He then proceeded to give Erin a tidy primer on Buddhism.

His lesson for Erin also reiterated many of the things I got from the I-Ching today about my life, so it was interesting to hear at this point. More confirmation that I need to be patient and that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. Just what I need to hear. Again!

Hitchcock's The Birds?

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